Featuring the skills and perspective of Simon Cribb

About Sonic Vibrational Therapy
Ultrasound has been in use for about 50 years as a modality for treating pain, however few people reaslise that sound in the audible range is even more effective for treating pain and illness. This fresh approach to treatment employs tuning forks, to produce a precisely callibrated vibration, that is applied to specific points on the body. Drawing on the same physiological principles as ultrasound, sonic vibration has a micro-massage effect, and is especially good for relaxing the nervous system, and easing pain and tensions.
Conventional approaches to treating pain and dysfunction have a critical weakness: The focus is entirely directed to the area of pain and there is no attention given to the underlying condition of the nervous system. That is, the background tensions and imbalances that form the pattern in which the pain arises. If this is neglected, in many cases there tends to be poor response to treatment, and persistent pain. In desperation, the client tends to "do the rounds", seeking help from numerous different practitioners.
Throughout my career, I have sought an effective way to address this. The Sonic Vibration protocols are a product of many years of reasearch and clinical experience, and I believe they are one of the most effective tools available for improving the state of the nervous system, and general health.
They particularly address cranial tensions and imbalances that are present wherever there is trauma or prolonged stress. Until the tissues surrounding the brain relax the body remains tense, and it is difficult to resolve patterns of pain and illness.
They are also an effective substitute for acupuncture needles, and really good for children and sensitive individuals.
A typical session may involve treating 20-30 points on the head, spine and limbs. Each point is stimulated with mild vibration for 10-30 seconds. You will usually experience a marked sense of relaxation and wellbeing, and a fairly rapid improvement in symptoms.
This form of therapy is particularly helpful for headaches, spinal pain, knee, hip and shoulder pain, insomnia, anxiety, stress, trauma, raised blood pressure, chronic fatigue and persistent tiredness.
It is also very useful for improving organ function and pain, such as a sluggish liver, or the pancrease in type 2 diabetes. In these type of cases it is not used as a stand alone treatment, but usually combined with treatments provided by a doctor or natropath.
Sonic Vibrational therapy can also be used with good effect to help during a course of chemotherapy. In this case it will decrease symptoms of nausea and brain fog, and help you recover from the shock of diagnosis and surgery, and maintain a relaxed and positive outlook.
This form of therapy is especially recommended where there are complex multiple problems, as it improves the state of the whole nervous system.
"Tuning forks are an effortless way of empowering change in our lives. Their tones are archetypal ideas which spiral around a still point. When we hear them we are drawn into a still point and our nervous system naturally shifts into a new tone. "
- John Beaulieu
(Author of "Human Tuning").
"For an object to be a solid, it must vibrate, otherwise it would disintegrate".
- Marcel Vogel (physicist & healer)

This Cymatic image of a pure musical tone gives a clue to the symmetrical nature of sound waves, and why they might have an organising influence when applied to specific points on the body.
Symmetry in the nervous system creates a sense of relaxation and peace, and helps to relieve pain.